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Dewars, Cryostats, and Tank Pressurization

The general thermodynamic and hydrodynamic solutions used within CRTech's tool suite are capable of meeting the growing demand for cryogenic fluid system design. Many organizations have previously used in-house tools specialized for such applications. However, these organizations typically do not have the resources nor infrastructure to maintain these codes when cognizant engineers are lost, nor to modify and validate them for new vehicles or applications, nor to train new engineers on their use. The use of a single general-purpose thermal/fluid modeling tool to encompass all such analyses offers not only solutions to these problems, but also enables integrated analyses and the ability to communicate with vendors and customers.

An extensive set of generalized thermal/fluid modeling tools exist within SINDA/FLUINT, Thermal Desktop®, and FloCAD® that satisfy the specialized needs of cryogenic fluid system design and analysis. These tools uniquely provide integrated modeling of an entire cryogenic tank system including pressurization, vaporization, and liquefaction. They can also link intimately with thermal models of the structure and environment. Access is provided to SINDA/FLUINT's high-level design synthesis, statistical design, and model correlation modules in addition to the geometric and nongeometric user interfaces, training, and user support.

Cryogenic design applications include:

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