C&R Technologies is dedicated to producing software tools that not only help thermal/fluid engineers produce analytical answers but also product solutions. Whether you are using the nongeometric analyzers or the CAD-based geometric analyzers, you can apply advanced techniques that transcend traditional steady state and transient simulations.
With our advanced techniques, the uncertainties that abound in thermal/fluid modeling can be treated by a combination of calibration to available test data, and a statistical evaluation of the influence of the remaining uncertainties. Automated techniques are available to assist in both tasks. Traditional steady state or transient "point design evaluation" analyses then become a subprocess of a larger system that provides decision support at a higher lever.
Download the Advanced Design Brochure
Parametric Modeling: Rapid Changes, Sensitivities
- Use algebraic expressions and spreadsheet-like variables instead of hard-wired numbers as inputs
- Make rapid and consistent model changes not only between runs, but also during a simulation run
- Find out how easy and important it is to make parametric variations, to perform sensitivity analyses, and to answer what-if questions
Optimization: Design Synthesis
- Size dimensions, select and locate components, and find an optimal design solution
- Designate variables to be sized or selected, objectives to be met, constraints and limits to be obeyed, and an arbitrarily complex solution procedure with which to evaluate candidate designs. The software automatically searches for the best viable design
Size, Select, Locate, Optimize
Automated Model Calibration to Test Data
- Adjust uncertainties in a model automatically, correlating to available test data
- Designate uncertain inputs, limits on their range, when and where to compare to test data, and how to define a "good fit"... the rest is automatic
Critical Design Case Definition
- Find the combination of input values that yields the worst-case design scenario
- Determine the hot case and the cold case given ranges of possible dimensions, environments, properties, component efficiencies, etc.
Reliability Engineering: Uncertainty Analysis
- Check margins and safety factors for adequacy
- Given variations in inputs, find the chances that failure criteria will be exceeded
- Evaluate uncertainties statistically
Reliability Engineering Histograms in CRTech's EZ-XY
Robust Design: Designing For Reliability
- Synthesize designs based on reliability
- Determine allowable tolerances and acceptance criteria
Avoid Costly Overdesign and Risky Underdesign
Multidisciplinary Design Integration
C&R provides the most comprehensive set of thermal/fluid design and modeling tools available to the heat transfer and fluid flow professional. However, designing reliable products in the shortest possible design cycle time demands inclusion of other engineering specialties such as structures, electric, optics, and cost.
C&R goes beyond intimate interconnections to other software design tools. Our tools are also designed to allow integration into large-scale multidisciplinary design systems and analysis management tools. Contact CRTech for more information on supported interconnections and on developing customized design environments.
Recommended Literature
For more in depth information about our advanced design features please review these CRTech authored technical papers
- Automated Multidisciplinary Optimization of a Space-based Telescope
- Integrated Analysis of Thermal/Structural/Optical Systems
- Beyond Point Design Evaluation
- Dealing with Uncertainties and Variations in Thermal Design
- Reliability Engineering and Robust Design: New Methods for Thermal/Fluid Engineering
- Parametric Thermal Analysis and Optimization Using Thermal Desktop
- Optimization, Data Correlation, and Parametric Analysis Features in SINDA/FLUINT Version 4.0
- Nonlinear Programming Applied to Calibrating Thermal and Fluid Models to Test Data