The Most Comprehensive Two-Phase Thermohydraulic Analyzer Available
CRTech's fluid modeling module was designed right from the start to handle the peculiarities of two-phase flows along with the complexities of transitioning between single-phase and two-phase. In fact, its development was initiated specifically to avoid the shortcomings of single-phase analyzers that had been retrofitted to adapt to two-phase problems.
Combined with the heat transfer capabilities that CRTech's software provides and the CAD-based interface of FloCAD® (a module of Thermal Desktop®), and the unique capabilities such as parametric analyses, optimization, calibration, and statistical design, CRTech's two-phase flow software is truly in a class by itself.
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Two-Phase Flow Capabilities
- Complete thermodynamics: phases appear and disappear as conditions warrant
- Two-phase heat transfer correlations built-in or user-defined
- Built-in options to support pool boiling and quasi-stagnant convection
- Two-phase pressure drop correlations built-in or user-defined
- Automatic flow regime mapping
- From quasi-steady homogeneous equilibrium to fully transient two-fluid modeling
- Optional slip flow modeling (separate phasic momentum equations)
- Optional nonequilibrium transients
- Complete separation of phases
- Separate phasic energy and mass equations
- Metastable throat states in orifices and cavitating venturis
- Flat-front modeling methods (minimal mixing of phases) for purging, priming
- Capillary modeling tools for static or vaporizing wicks
- Tracking of liquid surfaces in complex tanks and vessels
Two-Phase Mixture Capabilities
- Mixtures of up to 26 liquids and/or gases
- Optional condensible/volatile component in mixture, including effects such as diffusion-limited condensation
- Optional dissolution of any number of gaseous solutes into any number of liquid solvents, including homogeneous nucleation models
Sample Industries
- Automotive (climate control, transmissions, fuel/air)
- Electronics (liquid cooling including immersion cooling, condensation on surfaces)
- Aerospace (thermal management, cryogenics, propulsion, ECLSS)
- Aircraft (air conditioning, fuel/air including flow within multiple fuel tank bays)
- Energy Systems (BWR, Rankine cycle power plants)
- Petrochemical and Pharmaceutical (gas transport, steam injection, two-phase processes)
Sample Applications
- Condenser, evaporator, and boiler sizing and simulation
- Vapor compression and Rankine cycle analyses, including dynamic responses
- Throttling processes, including Joule-Thomson cooling with two-phase outlets
- Loop heat pipe (LHP) and capillary pumped loop (CPL) design and simulation
- Two-phase thermosyphon simulation, whether loops or counterflow
- Integrated analysis of cryogenic systems and dewars, thermodynamic vents and vapor-cooled shields, anti-geyser lines, pressurant systems, thermally stratified tanks, and turbomachinery cool-down
- Gas storage and distribution systems including the effects of condensation
- Fuel/air systems, including partially filled complex vessels
- Waterhammer and other fast transient effects including flashing, column separation, chugging and other oscillations in two-phase lines
- Pressurized fire retardant delivery systems
- Condensing air heat exchangers and wet air psychrometrics, including condensation on electronics
- Fuel cells and support equipment