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Brent Cullimore

You are hiking in the Serengeti. A twig snaps in bushes a few feet away from you. Is it the wind, or a lion?

As someone whose ancestors jumped to a worst-case conclusion (and as a result were less likely to become someone else’s lunch), we humans instinctively react with alarm in an uncertain situation. Fear of uncertainty is rarely warranted in the modern world, where stress hormones are more likely to shorten your life than to extend it.

Brent Cullimore

Let me start by confessing that I don’t know much about Bitcoin, much less Bitcoin mining. I’m not even sure you can refer to them as ‘Bitcoins’ if you have two of them. You certainly can’t rub them together and make sparks. (They are sparks, if you think about it!)

Brent Cullimore

I admit that I have chafed in the past at being called a thermal engineer. I have degrees in Mechanical Engineering and in Thermosciences. I consider myself more of a fluid/thermodynamics type: I love bubbles, and I think it is a sin if you stir cream into your coffee too fast and miss all the cool eddies. One of my hopes is to visit the grave of Boltzmann, where his legendary equation describing the entropy of systems like tossed coins is inscribed above his headstone, S = k * log(W).