You may have noticed a new look to our website. We have updated the site as part of our continuing effort to maintain the highest security practices across the company. With this update we have implemented measures which will continue protecting the site — and user data — from vulnerabilities.
We have also implemented a host of under-the-hood enhancements designed to improve user experience. We started with a mobile-first approach, following best practices for modern web design. With responsive layouts, images and videos will automatically be displayed in the best size for mobile, improving load times and performance.
Although the site's appearance is similar, this effort required a major rebuild of the site. For the benefit and familiarity of our users, we have done our best to retain the original content and navigation of the site in order to maintain the overall user experience.
The Community Forum was impacted the most with this update. You will find the interface for posting to the forum is more user friendly. Features such as subscribing to a forum still exist but are handled in a different fashion. If you were previously subscribed to a forum, you will need to resubscribe in the new system.
We welcome all user feedback. If you encounter any issues or problems please contact us.